Thursday, October 28, 2010

Developing your wedding brand with Jasmine Star

So Jasmine Star is a trip! She's the daughter of a preacher. Before we got started in the seminar she said that everyone had to "leave their ego at the door." It was cool though.. Then she said we should stop tweeting and meet each person to the left and right of us. Novel idea right!

Anyway, she's cool.. definitely an inspirational speaker!
She started out in law school and then got married and through the process of finding her wedding photographer realized she wanted to be a wedding photographer herself! forward 4 years and it sounds like she's booking 50+ weddings a year.
Some key-points:

1. Create your own game and your own rules and be the star pitcher
2. Use your assets to their full advantage (she happened to not be a photographer to start) She's a writer so her focus is her blog and her writing and of course her photography.
3. Write down your top 3 liabilities and your assets now!
4. Write down 5 words that describe you now!
5. Action not though, branding is about doing, not thinking
6. Don't let other photographers define your style

Be yourself, keep it real, keep it simple!

Check out her website here.

-Andrea Fischman

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